Monday, May 17, 2010

Don't Go it Alone

One of the most underrated services that a telecom agency provides is the availability of a single point of contact.

Unfortunately, trouble and telecom can go hand and hand and installations can go terribly wrong. You don't have to go it alone. Because agencies place hundreds of orders per year and deal with the carriers on a regular basis, they know who to call if there are problems.

The alternative is to rely on your carrier sales representative, but sales reps are paid to make sales not manage orders. The skills required to project manage a phone or internet service installation are completely different than the skills required to sell those same services.

Working through a telecom issue directly with a carrier could take hours. If telecom is not your area of expertise, how are you going to explain a situation to a technician or understand their explanations?

Telecom agencies provide another level of service and make dealing with the carriers easier and less time consuming. Typically they don't charge for this service because ultimately they are compensated by the carriers.